Stephen and Andrew doing a Q and A session during the party.

While growing up, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be around people that I watch on the television and in films. But in my twenties everything changed. Now I’m living in Hollywood going after something that was just a thought five years ago. I have worked on sets with some amazing people. But getting to hang out with them has just been the icing on the cake. And one of the best things I have been able to be a part of are the Nocking Point parties.

I took a train from Hollywood to Harbor House in Downtown Los Angeles. I was able to get a VIP ticket and arrived an hour and a half before the rest of the crowd joined in on the fun. When I got to the restaurant, the band was doing their soundcheck and I was already jamming to their music. After the band was done, and everyone was checked-in, we went and took our seats for lunch. The food was amazing as well as the company. Andrew went from table to table having chats here and there and making sure everyone was okay. Stephen came around and did the same and stopped at the table where I was sitting. Sitting down next to me, he started to serve wine and “successfully attempt” to open bottles of champagne. The first, because we all thought at the table that it was due to the heat, exploded as he was opening it and went all over me. After being totally embarrassed, he looked over at me and asked if I was okay. I told him that it was just champagne, no harm done, and that I was okay. How could I be mad? It was partly water and something I will never forget. Then he asked for another bottle, one that hadn’t been sitting in the sun and was cold. I joked that I wasn’t going to get hit twice and as I backed away and he started to uncork the bottle, it exploded as well. Getting him and the table this time. Total hilarity and fun! Couldn’t have staged something like that from happening. And not just once, but twice! He later signed the exploding bottle with “Right shoulder….nailed it.”

The table of friends with the infamous bottle… =D

This was my third Nocking Point party I was fortunate to go to. The first was the first Los Angeles party in 2014, then in 2016 at the Heroes and Villains Fan Fest in San Jose, and then October 22, 2017. I hope to go to the next party in San Jose later in December. And if you haven’t been to one of their parties and you hear one in your area, you should go! Andrew and Stephen know how to throw a party! You will have so much fun! And if they haven’t been around you yet, be patient they are working it!